About Us

Growing Stronger
Champ has always strived to ensure that all their products are affordable and have the highest quality possible to assure end user customer satisfaction.
Company Profile

About Champ
Founded in Pune in 2006, Champ Energy Ventures Pvt. Ltd., has always been producing very high quality lightweight gasoline & diesel engines ranging from 2HP to 20HP. Earlier producing LPG/Gasoline Power Generator Sets, Champ has since 2012 handed over that line along with Diesel Generator Sets to Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited.
However, since engines have been the mainstay product line, Champ has expanded into a series of engine driven agricultural products viz. Water Pump sets, Power Tillers, Power Sprayers and allied agricultural equipment. Champ has also taken the initiative of Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan wherein they have created a new engine driven product producing high-pressure jets of water, which can be transported to clean an array of places like public toilets, footpaths, vehicles etc.
Champ has always strived to ensure that all their products are affordable and have the highest quality possible to assure end user customer satisfaction. With service facilities across the nation, Champ has been trying hard to make sure that low-cost spare parts are supplied and after sales support is not an issue for end user customers.